11ty gets tufte

A Tufte CSS Project built with 11ty aka Eleventy for your projects.

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11ty gets tufte11ty gets tufte - Free and open source code

An 11ty project based on the work of Edward Tufte. This 11ty project uses tufte-css and et-book, a web typeface of the font used in Edward Tufte’s books. The failover font is Gil Sans which is also a prefered font of Edward Tufte. Thank you Dave Liepman the creator of tufte.css and to all of the contributors to Tufte-CSS.

This 11ty port is maintained and developed by Adam DJ Brett to help you build a book site easily and quickly!!!

I admire not only Tufte’s work but also tufte.css because of their simplicity, sidenotes, typography, and multiple types of images that can be used.

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git clone https://github.com/adamdjbrett/11ty-gets-tufte.git

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